
Company Background
Established in December 2016, Laboserve is a privately owned CDMO service
provider (Contract Development and Manufacturing Organization) focused on
Pharma services of added-value generic products for oral liquid and powder
dosage forms.
Our brand new, purpose-built Liquids Center is supported by in-house QC
laboratory, robust quality systems and a team of specialists with high caliber
credentials in the development, manufacturing and commercialization of
pharmaceutical products. It’s this combination of expertise and infrastructure that
makes Laboserve your preferred partner for product development and
manufacturing utilizing controlled substances.
We have already accumulated significant know-hows, intellectual property and
projects that intended for commercialization and contract manufacturing, mainly
through out-licensing and supply models.
Laboserve goes beyond the expected through our “boutique-like” philosophy,
offering accompanying manufacturing capabilities and guidance backed by
expertise in product development, technology transfers and scale-up up to
registration and during all stages of product lifecycle management.
To streamline the pathway from laboratory to the market we combine applied
research and development capabilities and integrated contract manufacturing
solutions for oral liquid and powder dosage forms.
We offer licensing rights and optimized supply agreements for differentiated, tailor-
made added value generic products. Amongst other, a proprietary pain
management portfolio addressing moderate to severe pain is available as unique
presentations and drug combinations.
Address: 84, Ioannou Metaxa str. Koropi, Attica, 19441, Greece